Just For Laughs

Of Art & Comedy

Two years ago, Just For Laughs Group President Andy Nulman and his wife Lynn left Westmount and headed downtown. The couple now lives in an oh-so-gorgeous apartment located in Montreal's chic Golden-Mile neighbourhood.

Just For Laughs 2011: Eric Stonestreet is good ol' fashioned fun

MONTREAL- His dog is not called Toto. Would you believe Coleman Hawkins? But it's a good bet that Eric Stonestreet frequently reminds his pooch - and "best friend" - that they are definitely not in Kansas anymore. Not that there is anything wrong with that state.

Y-a-t-il un républicain dans la salle? | Mario Cloutier | Juste pour rire

Considéré par plusieurs comme le meilleur humoriste politique aux États-Unis, Lewis Black animera le gala American Dream? Election Year à Just for Laughs demain. À quelques mois du scrutin américain, l'un des invités sera une autre figure incontournable de l'humour "songé", Alonzo Bodden. Les républicains et les conservateurs vont en prendre pour leur grade.

Just for Laughs: The Daily Show's John Oliver calmly presides over the Decline of the American Empire | NIGHTLIFE.CA

If it takes a real man to suffer ignorance and smile, then John Oliver must have bollocks the size of Brooklyn. As a five-year veteran of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart , he has routinely taken the piss out of puffed-up politicians and pork barrel policy.